New Zealand Nuptials

Since I’m on this side of the globe, I had the perfect excuse to head down to New Zealand for a friend’s wedding. I met the bride in Florida five years ago. We both worked at Disney! Though our time together was short, we kept in touch, missing each other dearly, and swearing to see each other again some day.

I have dreamed of coming here since I was 12, when The Fellowship of the Ring came out. Sorry NZ, I didn’t know much about you until Legolas & Aragorn showed me the way. Don’t worry, I’ll chat more about LOTR locations later…Related image
Before I begin on this epic tale of beauty and adventure, it needs to be proclaimed across the land that flying in New Zealand is incredible. I was flying overnight from Seoul and was pretty positive I would miss my connection. Once I arrived with less than two hours to go through customs, get my baggage, get that cleared, check my baggage again, go through security….that my flight would be long gone.

I was pleasantly surprised. Customs was a breeze. Being an American was a mega-advantage. I skipped the whole queue, scanned my passport, a robot took my photo and I was through! My bag was already waiting for me and there was no line to scan it. AND finally the very best part, NO SECURITY. New Zealand is such a care free, friendly place, they don’t feel the need to screen you if you’re flying domestically. These people are so great.

OK. Back to the wedding. This is the view from the venue, a vineyard on the outskirts of Tauranga. Yup, I pretended I was in The Shire.


It was a small crowd, less than 80 people. This is the way to do it, folks.


We felt so fancy! Champagne and hors d’oeuvres were served as the wedding party took their photos. I could get used to this. 


With such a small group, fun things can happen, like free photo booths!!

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We were into it, and never wanted to leave it.


I loved getting to see old Disney friends, it had been so long! It was so awesome to be at the ‘Disney’ table. Over 10 of us flew from all over the world to be there! We went to a Haka ceremony in Rotorua. We also saw some natural geysers (smelly but cool!) and went luging. Hakas are a Maori tradition that I highly recommend you experience.


I bet you’re wondering if I took advantage of this lovely event and spent some more time in New Zealand. C’mon, you should know me better than that by now. OF COURSE. I stayed the rest of the month, and did A LOT. I saw Charlie Chaplin in Christchurch, found adventure in Lake Tekapo & Queenstown, fell in love with Wanaka, and melted into the mists of Milford Sound

-wedding photos were not taken by me –

Suitcase Life: Bells, Bouquets n’ Boots

Now on my second month of travel, I arrived in Denver, Colorado for yes, another wedding. However, this time I was in the bridal party.

The bride-to-be and I had worked together at Disney and fell in friend-love immediately. When I needed a little crazy in my life, she was the one to call. And if she needed someone to pick her up in the middle of the night and hold her shoes, I’d be on it.

We had the Bachelorette party in Grand Junction (a four hour drive from the airport). This was a quiet town, and even quieter on a Wednesday, but we made our own party. We walked to Volleys, a volleyball bar. Guys, these exist. It was amazing.

Afterwards, we needed karaoke, but the not-so-nice DJ clearly avoided our requests in favor of the locals. Hey man, I get it, but c’mon…

Luckily, he let the ladies close out the night with “Red Neck Woman


We only lost one girl, but she was fine. She wanted to go home and sleep in her bed rather than share the hotel room. SMART. I was the party-mom and got everyone slowly but surely back to the hotel.
I am a jedi with drunks. The guiding force is with me.

The next morning, groggy and hungover, we got manis and pedis. Thank heaven for massage chairs.


We drove across the border to Moab, Utah. This place is beautiful, guys. I felt like I was stepping into an old Western. But most importantly, it’s where I got to meet this little handsome man!!

For just having a baby, the bride was looking dang good. Baby boy was too! We were pals right away, we even drove out to the wedding site together. It was a gorgeous drive, but it was also long, twisty, and incredibly rough. I feel for everyone who drove with a low-seated car or camper. The ‘roads’ were more like pot holes with random flat spots. I got lost twice.


Once we were out in the middle of nowhere, I couldn’t stop taking photos. The view was incredible.


This is Castle Valley. If it looks familiar, well it should! This area is used quite often for filming locations.


John Wayne had several films here (see it in the back)

As well as Thelma & Louise, John Carter, The Lone Ranger, Galaxy Quest, Mission Impossible II (ugh, the worst one), and the marvelous Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade.


This was the view from the bride’s family cabin. We were out in the La Sal Mountains, just outside of Moab, Utah. Breathtaking, to say the least.

It’s always weird meeting people for the first time, especially when you all kind of have to be friends for the bride’s sake. Fortunately, we all got along pretty well. Whether it was the happy-wedding vibes or the steady flow of champagne, we’ll never know.


Waking up to this was marvelous. I highly recommend taking a trip out here. Camp, stay at the lodge, go horseback riding, or visit the film museum. There’s even a winery! I definitely plan on coming back here someday to hike some trails take it all in. (and we both know when I say hike, I mean walk a little and take photos)


One of my fellow bridesmaids, Sarah (another former Disney coworker) couldn’t bear another minute without cell service. So we snagged one of the dune buggies and set off to find some bars. Trouble was….we didn’t pay attention…or look how to get back…


Though the views were gorgeous and awe inspiring, we were starting to get a little worried.


Getting lost in the middle of nowhere is scary enough, but risking the wrath of a bride getting married later that day??
I think our fear led us back.


We all made our own bouquets from the local foliage, plus some red and orange daisies.


All primped and pretty!!


As the time drew nearer, the nerves set in. I wanted everything to go perfectly for her. I wrapped the bouquets in burlap, lent her my favorite songs to walk down the aisle to, and put on her veil. By the end of it, I was a blubbering mess.


Never have I needed to keep it together more and failed completely. I cried the whole ceremony. Hopefully they were the gorgeous, Top Model tears that gently caress your cheeks…


They said I do and the party began! The newlyweds had to kiss every time someone rang the bell.


I’m so glad I decided to bring my camera. These two were way too cute.


Once the keg was flowing, it was rough getting anyone to stay still for a photo…


Bridal Growlers for the Happy Couple. (They’re doing it right)


This is the right way to wear a wedding dress. It’s one day, ladies. The dress is merely a tool to show the world what you already know; you’re hot and off the market.


The groom was already getting silly, and the night had only just begun!

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It was such an incredible weekend. We all felt so close by the end of it. You bond over things like: whiskey, keg stands, and late night snacking on food-you-would-really-regret-eating-later-that-night.


At one point, Sarah and I needed a midday nap. Cowboy boots are rough, and hot! (my feet were a’cookin in the Utah sun!)


While I probably had one of the best times ever at a wedding, being in the bridal party is hard work. It may seem like a party, but there’s a lot of planning and holding-the-dress-while-she-pees that goes into it. Don’t get me wrong, I loved it, but I’m fine waiting a few years for the next one.

Packing up, Sarah and I prepared to leave for Colorado. She lived just outside of Denver and graciously offered to drive me back to the airport. However, she couldn’t leave without a selfie with the fearless cows on the gravel road.


This is selfie-commitment guys.

Back on the road again….

Suitcase Life: Brides & Beaches

Columbus to Oregon seems like a pretty straight shot, but apparently flying down to Georgia first sounds much better to Delta. (rude) But I did manage to scooby-doo all the flight attendants into giving me extra cookies ‘for my nephew.’ (ok, most of them were for my nephew)

Mission Accomplished.


I’ve always cried watching the Love Actually opening scene with all the tearful airport arrivals (I’m puddling just thinking about it). My nephew managed to cause a similar scene when he ran up to give me the biggest hug ever at PDX. I know I just saw this little bug in July on my road trip, but everyday I don’t get to see him is too long.
This boy truly holds my heart.


Why was I in Oregon? (other than to see my family and adorable nephew of course) I had a wedding to go to! I have known this girl since I was born practically. She and my sister were childhood friends, but once everyone moved away, our relationship grew. We bonded over singleness, LOST, small town blues and figuring out how to ‘adult’. (obviously I’m the only one with the single problem now)

Our moms were friends and always seemed to be pregnant together. Naturally, all of us kids became friends.

My brother and I were feeling how good we looked and insisted on a family photo shoot before heading to the wedding.


My nephew has spidey sense when you point a camera at him.
He always knows….


We saw people we hadn’t seen in over twenty years. It is weird, but oddly calming to be around people who have known you your entire life.


She was a beautiful bride and the wedding was perfect. Tractors, guns, line dancing and all.



My mother figured since all of us were in town, we might as well have a family vacation. It was a pretty big deal since we hadn’t all been together in the same house in over five years. But first, I needed a day in my hometown with my sis.


I had to go to one of my old college spots, Bom Dia Coffee. The chai is so delicious, as are the avocado bagels.


Jackson’s Corner had a new location I wanted to see, so my sis & I went there and got a slice and a brew while we waited for my grandpa to finish his appointment.


It was finally time, my mother had planned a weekend trip to the Oregon Coast for the whole family. To get us excited, she got us ‘vacation socks.’


We were headed to Seaside, Oregon but first we had to stop in Cannon Beach. If you take anything from this blog, you need to understand how important it is to try the clam chowder at Mo’s. I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it!! IT IS AMAZING!! Plus the view ain’t bad.

Cannon Beach, OR

We needed to walk off our humongous, but delicious lunch. Haystack rock was calling me…

Cannon Beach

This is a pretty famous spot on the Oregon Coast. If you google those words, Haystack has its own subcategory. Plus, it’s one of the locations in The Goonies. Goonies never say die!!!


I’m a big fan of jump shots. Therefore, I made my family do them.
My sister looks like she just won a car.


I cannot jump very high, so I hide it by spreading out my limbs.
Illusions Dad, you don’t have time for my illusions!!
After too many attempts to admit, my mom managed to make it an inch off the ground, but not without great enthusiasm.
My brother is an acrobat in spirit. He can do anything athletic. Some of us were not too keen on this whole jumpy thing…


It was a lovely walk, but Seaside was calling our name


Before we left, I knew I had to do the Mermaid shot. It was a long time coming, and it was now or never. (really, the tide was coming in) In hindsight, I probably should have worn shoes to climb on the sharp barnacles.
(If I still had my fin, I wouldn’t have this problem)
