Tokyo Disney on New Year’s Day

So technically, we didn’t go to Tokyo Disneyland, with the castle and the princesses and parades. We went to the more adult park next store called Disney Sea. After comparing the two, the rides I wanted most to ride were there. Plus, it was New Year’s Day, and I figured Disneyland would be more crowded.

First impressions, everything was so pretty. Everything looked brand new! This park has been around for 14 years and it looks incredible. Pluto was even there at the gate to greet us!


The view as you enter is the great Mount Prometheus. It has a ride inside it, as well as a role in the night show, Fantasmic. It also periodically spits fire.


We explored American Waterfront, which includes Toy Story Mania!, the Tower of Terror, as well as a mishmash of American-esque culture, architecture and restaurants.


Instead of The Twilight Zone being the driving theme of this ride as it is in the U.S., they decided to go with an explorer theme (mimicking the park’s attractions) basing it off a man named Harrison Hightower, a shady guy who stole artifacts from all over the world, landing him a spooky cursed item. It was fun, smart, and hey, they avoided paying royalties to CBS!


We went inside Uncle Scrooge McDuck’s (a gift shop) and tried on a few silly things.


Silly was sort of a theme for us.


There were tons of old presidential propaganda posters everywhere.

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Duffy the Disney Bear is HUGE here. There’s an entire store devoted to it. There’s a zillion different outfits, accessories, you name it. These were very old bears being displayed by an old man. He graciously let them model for me.

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A view of Mediterranean Harbor


On Mysterious Island (where the mountain is) are two rides and a restaurant. This is the gift shop for 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea


We made reservations for Magellan’s, a super swanky place, for lunch!

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While we waited for our time, we explored the fortress around the restaurant.

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Lunch was delicious. We splurged and got the four course meal, which made us feel a lot like Jack Dawson in Titanic. It was very good.

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Next, we hopped aboard the Disney Sea Electric Railway to get to Lost River Delta, the land where our next ride was. On the way, we passed over Port Discovery where the water rides are. The ride below is called Aquatopia, and it looked to be a sort of bumper cars on the water. IT WAS COLD PEOPLE. Why those people risked getting wet was beyond us.20160101_115153.jpg

Lost River Delta had the ride I was most excited for, Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Crystal Skull. I didn’t get to ride it in California, which was a huge bummer, because I wanted my mom to ride ‘my ride.’ I say it’s mine because it has the same ride path and vehicles as Dinosaur: the ride at Disney’s Animal Kingdom in Orlando, where I worked for two years.


Indiana may have been running around, but all I heard was Dr. Seeker yelling, “Abort! Abort!” in my head.

Next, we headed to Arabian Coast. An Agrabah themed land. It was beautiful!!

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We didn’t feel like riding rides, but if we had, Jasmine’s Flying Carpets was there!
Instead, we headed for Mermaid Lagoon in search of dessert. (well, I had another search in mind). Yes, I found my secret treasure trove, full of whose its and whats its galore, most importantly, my Prince!!

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The line for Ariel was super short, plus the caramel popcorn cart was right next to it.
It was fate.


Freezing our butts off (if only), we headed back to American Waterfront to get a good seat for Fantasmic!. Now I had seen it at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, but this show was incredible. It was done on the water, with stunts, and fireworks, and dancing, and DRAGONS WITH HUGE AMOUNTS OF FIRE. I was thoroughly impressed and almost forgot how cold I was.


I left for South Korea the next day. We shared our last ramen together at the airport. It was a wonderful trip and I can’t wait to return! We plan to go to Kyoto next time, and perhaps even The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Japan!


I can’t believe I can now say I’ve been to Korea and Tokyo. Is this real life?

This postcard represents my ‘horizons being broadened’ with Mt. Fuji on the left, and Namsan with Seoul Tower on the right.


Suitcase Life: Bells, Bouquets n’ Boots

Now on my second month of travel, I arrived in Denver, Colorado for yes, another wedding. However, this time I was in the bridal party.

The bride-to-be and I had worked together at Disney and fell in friend-love immediately. When I needed a little crazy in my life, she was the one to call. And if she needed someone to pick her up in the middle of the night and hold her shoes, I’d be on it.

We had the Bachelorette party in Grand Junction (a four hour drive from the airport). This was a quiet town, and even quieter on a Wednesday, but we made our own party. We walked to Volleys, a volleyball bar. Guys, these exist. It was amazing.

Afterwards, we needed karaoke, but the not-so-nice DJ clearly avoided our requests in favor of the locals. Hey man, I get it, but c’mon…

Luckily, he let the ladies close out the night with “Red Neck Woman


We only lost one girl, but she was fine. She wanted to go home and sleep in her bed rather than share the hotel room. SMART. I was the party-mom and got everyone slowly but surely back to the hotel.
I am a jedi with drunks. The guiding force is with me.

The next morning, groggy and hungover, we got manis and pedis. Thank heaven for massage chairs.


We drove across the border to Moab, Utah. This place is beautiful, guys. I felt like I was stepping into an old Western. But most importantly, it’s where I got to meet this little handsome man!!

For just having a baby, the bride was looking dang good. Baby boy was too! We were pals right away, we even drove out to the wedding site together. It was a gorgeous drive, but it was also long, twisty, and incredibly rough. I feel for everyone who drove with a low-seated car or camper. The ‘roads’ were more like pot holes with random flat spots. I got lost twice.


Once we were out in the middle of nowhere, I couldn’t stop taking photos. The view was incredible.


This is Castle Valley. If it looks familiar, well it should! This area is used quite often for filming locations.


John Wayne had several films here (see it in the back)

As well as Thelma & Louise, John Carter, The Lone Ranger, Galaxy Quest, Mission Impossible II (ugh, the worst one), and the marvelous Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade.


This was the view from the bride’s family cabin. We were out in the La Sal Mountains, just outside of Moab, Utah. Breathtaking, to say the least.

It’s always weird meeting people for the first time, especially when you all kind of have to be friends for the bride’s sake. Fortunately, we all got along pretty well. Whether it was the happy-wedding vibes or the steady flow of champagne, we’ll never know.


Waking up to this was marvelous. I highly recommend taking a trip out here. Camp, stay at the lodge, go horseback riding, or visit the film museum. There’s even a winery! I definitely plan on coming back here someday to hike some trails take it all in. (and we both know when I say hike, I mean walk a little and take photos)


One of my fellow bridesmaids, Sarah (another former Disney coworker) couldn’t bear another minute without cell service. So we snagged one of the dune buggies and set off to find some bars. Trouble was….we didn’t pay attention…or look how to get back…


Though the views were gorgeous and awe inspiring, we were starting to get a little worried.


Getting lost in the middle of nowhere is scary enough, but risking the wrath of a bride getting married later that day??
I think our fear led us back.


We all made our own bouquets from the local foliage, plus some red and orange daisies.


All primped and pretty!!


As the time drew nearer, the nerves set in. I wanted everything to go perfectly for her. I wrapped the bouquets in burlap, lent her my favorite songs to walk down the aisle to, and put on her veil. By the end of it, I was a blubbering mess.


Never have I needed to keep it together more and failed completely. I cried the whole ceremony. Hopefully they were the gorgeous, Top Model tears that gently caress your cheeks…


They said I do and the party began! The newlyweds had to kiss every time someone rang the bell.


I’m so glad I decided to bring my camera. These two were way too cute.


Once the keg was flowing, it was rough getting anyone to stay still for a photo…


Bridal Growlers for the Happy Couple. (They’re doing it right)


This is the right way to wear a wedding dress. It’s one day, ladies. The dress is merely a tool to show the world what you already know; you’re hot and off the market.


The groom was already getting silly, and the night had only just begun!

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It was such an incredible weekend. We all felt so close by the end of it. You bond over things like: whiskey, keg stands, and late night snacking on food-you-would-really-regret-eating-later-that-night.


At one point, Sarah and I needed a midday nap. Cowboy boots are rough, and hot! (my feet were a’cookin in the Utah sun!)


While I probably had one of the best times ever at a wedding, being in the bridal party is hard work. It may seem like a party, but there’s a lot of planning and holding-the-dress-while-she-pees that goes into it. Don’t get me wrong, I loved it, but I’m fine waiting a few years for the next one.

Packing up, Sarah and I prepared to leave for Colorado. She lived just outside of Denver and graciously offered to drive me back to the airport. However, she couldn’t leave without a selfie with the fearless cows on the gravel road.


This is selfie-commitment guys.

Back on the road again….