Pearl Harbor on Independence Day


As I planned to make my way back across the Pacific to the States, my sister convinced me (which didn’t take much) to meet her half way in Hawaii for a week. There really was no choice to be made. We booked the Airbnb that day.

We stayed in a lovely condo in Waikiki that was part of the Hawaiian Monarch Hotel. We had pool access, a karaoke bar, a delicious breakfast restaurant right downstairs, and WiFi! The only downside was paying for parking every single day.

The view from our room was particularly great for me because, as an avid LOST fan, this crazy building with the hole in it plays a pivotal role in the show.
SPOILER ALERT: (although if you haven’t watched it by now, it’s your fault)

This is the famed building that John Locke was pushed from, explaining how his spine was broken. It is the Waikiki Landmark condominium.


If you are planning on visiting Pearl Harbor, go early. Mega early. The tickets for the boat to see the memorial are free, but they are limited. If you show up late, you could be waiting hours for the next available boat. Luckily we were able to snag a few since there were only two of us (and an incredibly adorable nephew).


We were in Oahu the same time as RIMPAC, the Rim of the Pacific Exercise. The world’s largest international maritime warfare exercise. All of the ships were docked here, packing the island with sailors from all over the world. It was fun seeing all the different flags fly.


Before traveling to the memorial site, they play a video explaining what happened and who all was lost. It was humbling to watch. It made me immensely proud of the valiant men and women who served that day, as well as those serving this country today.


The U.S.S. Arizona runs right underneath the memorial.


All of the names of the men who remain within the U.S.S. Arizona are written on this wall.


I am so thankful for the men and women who sacrifice so much to protect this country. It was an honor to be on this island for Independence Day. It’s more than just a day for fireworks and barbecues, it’s a day to remembers what America means and who defends it.

(click to see in color)

1989 Mother Tour – Southern California

We had finally made it to the West Coast!! The end was drawing near, but California had so much fun in store for us!

First stop San Diego

…to stay with my sister and her family. I had been missing this nephew of mine hardcore. I hadn’t seen my partner in crime in nearly 9 months!!


We couldn’t wait to start making trouble.

Obviously, the first thing we needed was rest. Driving really takes it outta you. Sun, sand, and warm air was the only cure we needed.


This bug is getting so huge. I had a really hard time saying goodbye to him, knowing he will be so much bigger the next time I see him. He’ll know more things, have seen more, and maybe, just maybe, not want as many kisses from Auntie anymore…


But we didn’t want to focus on that. Instead, we focused on injury #3.


All Mom wanted was to enjoy her book and eat her sandwich, but the seagull didn’t feel that was an option. He decided she didn’t want it enough, swooped down and snatched the entire sandwich from her hand.

“Only you, Mom,” we all said


It was a perfect day with this little bug.


After a very tearful farewell, with many blowing kisses, we started out early for Anaheim, California.

Second Stop, Disneyland!!

My father went to Disneyland as a kid, my brother went as an adult. My sister went to Walt Disney World for her honeymoon, and I worked there for 3 years.

My mom was the only one to never have experienced the House of Mouse firsthand. I needed to fix that.

This was my first time as well, to Disneyland. I knew the basic Disney tricks to get us around quickly, but in terms of knowing about all the attractions, there were a lot I didn’t recognize.

I’d describe it as the better, even more kid-friendly version of The Magic Kingdom. In Florida, MK has around 13 rides that any child can ride. At Disneyland, they have over 20. Anyways, don’t get me started on comparing parks…

Another perk was Disneyland was celebrating its 60th Anniversary. I feel like these days, they have an anniversary for everything, but this one was actually legitimate. 60 is the Diamond year, so that was the theme throughout the park.


First thing we had to do was get our buttons. Mom got a First Visit and I got a Happy Birthday one, hey it was the following week…


She thought this was incredible and couldn’t believe I knew about it. C’mon Mom…(just stop by Guest Relations on your way in to get some, the building is usually labeled City Hall)

Next was the big reveal of the castle. I filmed her reaction. I’ve gotta say, I was a little underwhelmed. She probably thought it was charming and loved it. I’ve just been spoiled with the greatness that is Cinderella’s Castle in Florida, so Sleeping Beauty’s is kind of blah.


But unlike WDW, we got to go inside this one. Each corridor led to another part of the story, all self-led.


She didn’t care about Meet & Greets with Characters (thank goodness) or hitting every single ride. We picked a few areas and let the day plan itself. We rode Jungle Cruise & The Haunted Mansion and explored Tom Sawyer Island.


I couldn’t let my Mom leave this place without trying the glorious Mickey’s Premium Bar.


We got souvenirs for surprisingly cheap in a glassware shop. We each got mugs and engraved glasses celebrating the 60th.

Lastly, before we headed out, we watched the 60th Celebration Parade. If there’s one thing that Disney know how to do well (besides fireworks), it’s a parade.

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It really killed me that we couldn’t stay all day to see the fireworks show at night. It’s something I’ve always wanted to show my Mom.  I really regret not biting the bullet and delaying the schedule to stay an extra day so she could’ve seen it.

But we had a blast. We drove the rest of the day, ending in Santa Maria. We couldn’t go too far because we were meeting an old friend in the morning that we both hadn’t seen in ten years!!


I decided to try my hand at people this time and practiced with the parade dancers.

Independence Day

We met our friend for breakfast. She was my youth pastor and a wonderful friend growing up. I miss her council and complete non-judgmental understanding.


Seeing her again definitely made our morning.

We were aiming for Napa Valley, but my Mom really wanted to drive through San Francisco. This, my friends, was a HUGE MISTAKE.

Pier 39 is a mess on the fourth of July. Never ever go there. We drove for two hours looking for a parking spot. I finally had to admit defeat and take the day as a loss. It wasn’t all bad though. We got some beautiful shots going over the bridge.


We also spent the night with my sister’s in-laws who lived about thirty minutes outside the city. They took us up this humongous hill so we could watch the fireworks shows of all the surrounding towns.


Even though we lost a day, it was a blessing to see friends and family.

Next Up: Napa Valley & The Redwood National Forest!

Me: so many hours, I can’t even keep track anymore

Mom: 2