Lost in Namdaemun Market

In an attempt to figure out the Seoul Metro system, I chose I’Park Mall as my first destination. This place is huge. I’ve been there countless times and still get turned around. It has a an IMAX movie theater, a wedding floor (yes this is a thing: reception,ceremony, and photos all on one floor!), restaurants, and a million and one shops for every possible thing.


It is apparently the weirdest thing ever to eat alone in South Korea. I get the strangest looks when I ask for a table for one. Whatevs, I can get my Pho on solo.


Did I mention this mall has a pet shop?? I got lost once and found this tiny little corner shop filled with the cutest puppies known to man. Naturally I was drawn to the baby schnauzer, best dog ever. (RIP dearest Rudder)



The struggle was real guys. Leaving-Target-with-only-one-item real.


Speaking of cute, I couldn’t help sending my nephew a postcard as soon as I got here.There is nothing better than getting mail as a kid. (what am I saying? There’s nothing better than getting mail, period.)


My next adventure was taking on the Seoul Zoo. This place is huge. And basically on a mountain. Ok, a really big hill. There were tons of old couples all decked out in hiking boots and walking sticks, itching for the gates to open. I now understand and will wear better footwear next time…


Though it was a trek, the zoo is gorgeous. There are painted lines that correspond to your map, telling you which animals are on which line. I recommend going in the Fall, because the trees were beautiful.


You have to choose your animals wisely. See, if you want lions, (these lazy good-for-nothing lions) you have to really want it. Because you have to climb a humongous hill to get to them.


After the zoo, I felt ambitious and energized (more like winded, but running on adrenaline at this point) and took the metro to Namdaemun Market. This is another touristy neighborhood known for its intricate markets and street food. I got lost immediately.


Not really in the shopping mood, I looked for the food. I couldn’t tell you at all what I ate, but it tasted great! This thingy was some sort of fried bread with a sweet red bean mixture inside. Super cheap too!


I went down some steps, hoping to find the metro, but found myself in a massive underground mall.


While it did hold some 90’s treasures, I managed to emerge back into daylight. To calm my panic, I sought out some java, and found
Tom n Toms.

Tom n Toms

With four levels of coffee-lover heaven, I was able to calm down and let Dexter Morgan sooth me back to normal. (yeesh)


I don’t mind getting lost as much as I do here. Seoul is an interesting city. It has so much of the old and new mashed together. I can’t wait to visit the palace and old villages. Until next time!


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