Suitcase Life: Books & Travel

This Summer was a busy one. I started it out by driving from Washington, D.C. , down the bottom of the US and back up the California Coast ending in Central Oregon. That was just June & July.

Here we begin August 1st in Washington, D.C. (again). The place is ready for the new tenants and it’s off to Columbus, Ohio. So starts living out of a suitcase for three months.

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We stopped in Ohio for a restful weekend.


This is a bedroom, not a hotel room guys.


Books are what really got me through this massive trip. So here is # 1.
The Davinci Code written by Dan Brown. If you haven’t read it or seen the film, it’s like National Treasure with a more academic approach to clues and mysteries, rather than ridiculous car chases and stealing historical documents.

WARNING: These books will make you very suspicious in general, but especially about anything government/science/religious related.
So there’s that.

I took a break from reading and watched Sex and the City reruns while practicing my very rusty pool skills.


Ohio wasn’t terrible. I explored a small town called Westerville. It was adorable. I went to Java Central Coffee House a few times. It has great coffee, very friendly baristas and tons of nooks and crannies to eat, drink, and read in! There’s comfy couches, game tables, basically the perfect coffee shop. Worth a visit.

Next we drove up through Chicago to Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

I was pleasantly surprised by Wisconsin. I thought it was a perpetual snowy tundra, but we had many lovely sunny days!


This trip was more of a marathon than a sprint. I mean by this point, I was virtually homeless for two months until I left for South Korea.  So I stayed in Wisconsin for two long, relaxing weeks.

i do it

When staying in a place you have never been before, don’t fret. You’re not going to know the area instantly, there’s no need to panic.

Instead, grab a book. Does the photo above make you cringe? I’m sorry to disturb the spine lovers out there, but I don’t mind doing this to a paperback. My philosophy is this: Do I like the book? Am I keeping the book? Fold it back. Do I hate the book? Am I going to give it away? Fold it back.


And hey, why not lounge on a window seat and read for hours? I can’t really call this Book #2 because I started but never finished it. (Yes, I’ve read Harry Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone before.)

I didn’t always stay in though. I went to see the Wisconsin State Fair in Brookfield. Fairs are never the same once you’re an adult. Instead of being dazzled by the blinking lights and the sweet smells of cotton candy, you notice the creaking hinges on the ferris wheel that was put up in a day and the grimy hands of the hot dog vendor giving you your change.


Regardless, I rode the spinny rides and ate the corn dogs.

Aaaand onto Book #2 Into the Wild written by Jon Krakauer

I remember watching this movie and being extremely angry. I couldn’t forgive his stupidity and ignorance and irresponsibility with his own life. But reading the book was different. I’m not saying what he did was the best decision, but I understand him better. We’re all so quick to judge people, especially the dead. Krakauer gave Chris a voice. He cared enough to ask why. This book made me want to hike a trail, go camping, and breathe in the air of the mountains. It didn’t turn me off from seeking nature, it drew me to it. I think Chris would have loved that.


Drove into downtown Milwaukee to see Lake Michigan. Thing is humungous.


It was too cold though. So I retreated to my cozy couch with cocoa. My reading material wasn’t quite so comfortable.

Book # 3 Gone Girl written by Gillian Flynn

Again, I saw the film first. So naturally I knew the twist, but I care more about Crazy Amazing Amy. I love a good villain. I like a smart villain. I like a practical, careful, meticulous, realistic villain. There’s no point if the baddie leaves fingerprints in the blood or dumps the gun in the alley or buys a bus ticket with the victims’ credit card. I want them to be as smart as possible. They don’t always need to be caught either. I like the reality of letting them slip through your fingers. Amy was insane, but she was organized. You could say part of her warped view stemmed from her upbringing, but that gives her idiotic parents a little too much credit. She feeds off being needed and wanted. She loves winning your affection, but once it’s won, it no longer interests her. I needed to read it to get inside her head. And yikes.


After Wisconsin, I went back down to Columbus for a bit, but it just wasn’t doing it for me like last time. Luckily, my friend Kelly had just had a baby! She lived a not-so-short bus ride (try 9 hours) up to Michigan, so I thought, heck why not.

Book #4 Angels & Demons written by Dan Brown

I started this book hoping to hear the rest of Robert Langdon’s romantic adventures with Sophie. I was bitterly disappointed. Contrary to what Hollywood would have me think, this is not a sequel to The Davinci Code, it is a prequel. Awesome.

The book was good, but I couldn’t commit to the story line, because I was invested in the future one.


I thought I would hate riding the bus with complete strangers for 9 hours, but it wasn’t that bad. I talked to a nice lady going home to see her kids who had the boldest mustache I’ve ever seen.

Finally in Michigan (near the thumb crease), I got to meet this handsome little munchkin!!


He was two weeks early, which clearly means he couldn’t wait any longer to meet me. (ok, and his parents)


He graciously lent me his nursery too. What a gentleman.


It was great to meet Kelly’s man and her little man! We bonded over bloody marys and s’mores. (both of which ended up all over me)


After five freezing days in Michigan, I took the bus back down to Ohio to stay in a hotel for a night. They had a continental dinner people. This needs to catch on EVERYWHERE!!!

I finished my book and I believe in passing on good literature (and keeping my air cargo light), so I left it for the housekeeper to enjoy.


After driving to Ohio, to Wisconsin, back to Ohio, up to Michigan, back down to Ohio….I finally got to get on a plane.

I was on my way to Oregon!


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