Titusville Number Eight

Before leaving the land of beaches, Miss B and I decided to drive down to Titusville, FL. (It may sound random, but it’s actually famous! I mean, it was in Men In Black 3. Ok, it’s where the NASA space station is.)

Fun fact? yes. Did we go there? Pfft. no way.

We went to see a little piece of heaven called Playalinda. This stretch of beaches is only reachable by bridge and a loooooong windy road that may or may not have reptilian predators prowling the ditches.


We went to #8, because the rumor is the last beach….unlucky #13 does not require…swim apparel.  And we just chose one with the least amount of cars. It’s for their sake really. My skin tends to blind the unprepared.


We had a pretty sweet set up. We’d taken enough beach days together to know the necessities: water, shade apparatus, towels, snacks, books, music, camera, incredible hotness.


While the weather was plenty warm for sun soaking (crisping in my case) we were getting harassed by torrential winds. (ok not torrential, but large, annoying gusts)

-speaking of harassment-

Birds not only tried to steal my chips, but they pooped on my towel. Unacceptable.

So, because of this troublesome breeze, wading in the ocean proved to be quite abusive. The ocean literally kicked my butt.

I had to crawl away from the shore I was so wiped out from just trying to stay alive.
(I exaggerate a bit, you know this)

It was a beautiful, relaxing day regardless. We had no time-table (we hate them).
I wish I could describe the quiet. We felt so far away from everything and everyone. Time didn’t really seem to exist there. That sounds a little deep, but I felt like I was on a faraway island, or The Island, or maybe just Hawaii. It didn’t feel like touristy, loud, horrible traffic, Florida.





We were sad to leave. But I could actually feel my skin cooking to a nice medium rare. Plus the birds were getting aggressive.


We said adios to this timeless pocket of heaven. Probably never to return, because I kind of want this to be a one time experience. Makes it better, I think.


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