The Hermit vs. The Spirit

Living in a city with quite possibly the worst traffic and road system ever, I hardly drive at all anymore.

I can go a whole month on a single tank of gas. If I use my car, it’s only on the weekends.

It seems that I am split into two people at times. One half of me never wants to stop going, traveling, driving…
But the other half, is a homebody. I love my books, and my blankets, and my bed, and writing letters, and sketching every now and then.

This would explain my blog title I suppose. For fernweh is my spirit, but my realistic mind wants to fight the urge and gain a ‘sensible career’ and have ‘reasonable goals’.

It is an ongoing boxing match within myself with an as-of-yet to be announced champion.

But I digress.

To avoid holing up in my basement with my books on my days off, I drive forty short minutes to see my sister and her family. I love those minutes though. I get to blast my music, which in this case was ‘My Humps’. (one of the most impossible songs not to car dance to at a red light) I reflect on my week, think about what to do with my sister and enjoy the tiny town of Woodwardsville that takes all of twenty seconds to drive through.

Today’s mission? My nephew was going to have his first swinging experience. He was a little skeptical at first, but after a pep talk in the car, he seemed ready to try it.

After a few tries, he decided he liked it.

But with three adults all asking you to smile at their phones and cameras, it’s gets a little old.


By the end, he was ready to go home, but pouty face aside, he still looked cute.


It’s a nice break from the city. Like a little quiet vacation every week.

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